英语听力:Beethoven 贝多芬 - 15(在线收听

 This sonata Hammerklavier Op 106 is widely accepted as one of the greatest works by Beethoven. It’s, it always presented in my mind that this perhaps signified his graduation from telling us about his material experience and going into the world of total spirit, and maybe this is the border where he starts telling us about his spiritual experience of his life from the spiritual point of view. I don’t know if there are any words to describe this, tune, and indeed they call it a bashre. It's beyond description. Some people say it’s final acceptance of something, maybe. But it’s from the part of it. But it’s in a different world.

I think it's the slow movement that is the most tragic, the slow movement that Beethoven wrote. Openly tragic that it is words, it is words of tragedy? Absolutely, in a kind of extrovert way. He could no longer hear himself play the piano, and that must have been something very hard to take. Up to then, he could always hear just a little bit .
Beethoven’s ear trumpets are painful testament to the fact that he never gave up the struggle to hear his music.
There’s a story about Beethoven holding a pencil or a piece of wood between his teeth, and touching it to the keyboard at one point, because if he did that when he was playing, it would enhance his hearing.
Profoundly deaf for the last 9 years of his life, Beethoven supplied notebooks to people so they could communicate with him in writing. The gossip, malice and humor in these conversation books revealed that Beethoven’s final years were not all isolation and misery. 
After about 1818, Beethoven became a much more reclusive figure, a much more obviously eccentric character. He paid much less attention to his dress, to his external appearance even to his cleanliness, even being arrested as a tramp around 1820.
Er, there's one rather nice anecdote about his appearance towards the end of his life. He normally appeared very very unkempt. But apparently in this case he appeared beautifully turned out, everything in place. And somebody said that he’s really looking extraordinary well today and he says, ah yes but, what just happened is that, from time to time his friends really feel something should be done about it. And they take away when he is asleep all his old clothes. And they lay out new ones. And Beethoven just gets into them, you know he isn't aware that there’s been any change.