英语听力:Beethoven 贝多芬 - 16(在线收听

 The first sketches for the opening movement of the Ninth Symphony date from 1816. But the intensive work was done in this house in Baden 17 years later. Over 600 pages of sketches survive. Beethoven had asked whether the Philharmonic Society of London might be interested in commissioning a grand symphony and they offered him 50 pounds for two symphonies. The idea of setting Schiller's Ode to Joy to music dates back to Beethoven's time in Bonn. The sketchbook showed how he wrote out the words of the Ode to Joy and put it in the bars, but at first with no tune. He laboriously refined the famous melody and hinted that throughout the symphony. 

In the amidst of the first movement, we suddenly hear this, which is very similar to… and in the second movement, even in the right key, we have…And in the third movement, there is this...All alluding to finally… 
So there's a wonderful thread that leads you right through the symphony. It's totally subconscious in the sort of thing that later composers, Mahler, particularly in his Ninth Symphony used to stunning effect.
Beethoven had a very special relationship with singers and with choruses because he imagined them as a kind of ideal group of people who get together through the power of music. And in the last movement of the Ninth Symphony, this is very clear. It's as if he's saying that just by people singing together, something happens to them. They are changed through the power of music. This is Beethoven.
It was a great success at his first performance. Beethoven was on the stage conducting to the side of the real conductor. And at the end of it, he couldn't hear the applause of course. And they had to turn him round to face the audience to hear the applause. Wonderfully moving moment. And yet he was actually quite disappointed that this symphony didn't earn him as much money as he expected it to.