
Mike: What are you so upset about? Amanda: It's my neighbors. They pay me to weed their garden once a year, but I can't stand what they do to it. They have a fish pond, but they never clean it out and they won't buy a filter because they say it's too expensive! Mike: That must be pretty gross. What happens to the fish then? Amanda: That's the worst part! They die of course, but my neighbors don't care. They just buy new fish and put them in the same dirty water. Mike: But that's stupid! Wouldn't it make more sense to buy a filter and then not have to spend money buying new fish all the time? Amanda: You'd think so, but these people are always like that. They even say it's all right if I just pull off the tops of the weeds and don't bother to get the roots because it's faster that way. Their garden is a real mess. And the ivy and roses all have fungus on them because my neighbors didn't want to buy fungicide. Mike: That's really strange. They're not saving money by keeping it like that, and if they want to save that much money, why not just forget the garden?
neighbor (n.) 邻居 Henry had to stop singing loudly at night because his neighbors complained.
filter (n.) 滤水;过滤器 No one could go swimming that day because the pool's filter was broken.
gross (adj.) 恶心的 Blowing one's nose without a tissue is gross.
root (n.) 根 The plant died because its roots became moldy.
ivy (n.) 常春藤 The ivy spread until it covered the entire front side of the old house.
to weed a garden 花园除草 A: Your jeans are covered in mud! B: That's because I've been weeding the garden.
to clean something out 将…清理干净 A: Why is it taking you so long to find that document? B: I need to clean out my desk drawers. I can't find anything.
to make sense 合理;有道理 A: I'm going out in the rain to go buy a new umbrella. B: If an umbrella is all you need, wouldn't it make more sense to wait till the rain stops?