
Mike: Is that the Backstreet Boys you're listening to?
Amanda: No way, they're so outdated now. I'm listening to a parody of them, by Weird Al Yankovic. It's called "The eBay Song" and it makes fun of "I Want it That Way." It's hilarious.
Mike: Their music would be a lot better with the words changed. Let me hear the lyrics of the chorus...that is funny! He sings "what I bought on eBay" in place of "I want it that way."
Amanda: I love how he changes the words of really sappy songs and turns them into something completely off the wall.
Mike: Parodies are great. I also like parody movies, like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
Amanda: I think that one's a little crude, but it's certainly creative. Blood makes me squeamish even though it is so fake looking and the violence is done by a killer rabbit of all things!
Mike: Well, you'd hate some of the newest parody movies then if you can't take violence. There have been some great ones making fun of horror movies.
Amanda: If I can appreciate the genius that goes into the plot and the witty lines, I might be able to overlook the gore.
parody  (n.)   讽刺性模仿作品;讽刺性改編作品
The film was a clever parody of a classic war movie.
hilarious  (adj.)   令人捧腹的;好笑的
The older children were bored, but the youngest children thought the cartoon was hilarious.
lyrics  (n.)  歌词
Brad couldn't remember all the lyrics to the song, so he looked them up on the Internet.
sappy  (adj.)   煽情的;过度多愁善感的
Alice didn't like soap operas because she thought they were too sappy.
crude  (adj.)   粗野的;沒教养的
The teenage boys enjoyed the crude jokes in the movie, but their parents didn't.
to make fun of   取笑
A: Why don't you want to wear that?
B: Everyone will make fun of me if I do.
to make someone squeamish   
A: Are you going to donate blood this year?
B: No, I don't want to because needles make me squeamish.
of all things   尤其;偏偏
A: Why would you want to eat a cockroach of all things?
B: Because it's the one thing I've never tried.