
 I recently invited an alumna who graduated about ten years ago to come to senior conversation class. I was particularly happy to introduce her to my students because she is a role model par excellence for young people in Taiwan. After graduating with a double major in English and German, she first worked as a secretary, and then taught elementary school in Taipei for five years. After that, she earned a master's degree in England. Romance and now marriage led her to Italy, where she is now a Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience. She hopes her work will help stroke victims improve their quality of life. For better or worse, those who go before us in life show us the way. I willingly admit that a few days before that conversation class, role models were already on my mind. I had just received news that the founder and first chair of our English Department had passed away at the age of 96 in Germany. When I began my life in Taiwan, Father Peter Venne was one of the heroes at my university. He was a dedicated priest and professor, and was far more than only another colleague for me in the first semester of 1977. My students have their role models, and I have mine too. Thank you, Father Venne.
