
 Mike: Where are you going with all those stuffed toys? Amanda: I'm collecting them for an orphanage. It's part of a project to get extra credit for school. If I do 40 hours of volunteer work, I can get five points added to my final grade. Besides, I actually like doing it. Mike: As if you needed any points added to your grades! Where do I sign up? And what kind of projects are there to do? Amanda: Well, it would be up to your teacher if she decides to do the same thing as mine. But there are lots of projects you could do. You could collect toys for poor children or help at a food bank or go visit disabled people. Mike: Maybe I'll help you with collecting toys. I don't know if I'd be very good at visiting people or handing out food. Amanda: Well, we're going to hand out the toys to the children. And then we may stay awhile and play with the children. I've done it before. It's nice to see the children so happy. Mike: All right, I'll come along and see how it is. Let's stop by my house. My brother and sister might have some toys they could give away.
