VOA慢速英语2016 武装抗议者复制极端分子手段对抗美国(在线收听

Protesters Copy Ways of Extremists Against US 武装抗议者复制极端分子手段对抗美国

Armed protesters continue to occupy a U.S. national wildlife refuge in the western state of Oregon.


Some experts say the protesters have been influenced by the extremist militia movement to fight against the federal government.


The protesters moved in while the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was closed during the New Years' holiday.


The leader of the protest is Ammon Bundy. He is a rancher from Nevada. Bundy said the occupying group has named itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. Bundy said he wants the government to consider claims that federal officials have mistreated local ranchers.

示威者领导人是Ammon Bundy.来自内华达的农场主。Ammon Bundy表示:他们这一群示威者成立的组织叫做宪法自由。并希望政府能够答应为受到不公平待遇的农场主提供保障

They are also bringing attention to the case of Dwight and Steven Hammond. They are two Oregon ranchers who were found guilty of setting fires illegally on public land. The ranchers were ordered to return to prison after a judge found they had not served enough of their five-year sentence. They have since returned to prison.

他们的行为也使得Dwight 和 Steven Hammond的案子引发众人关注。这两个人是俄亥俄州的农场主,因为在公共用地堆放易燃物而被判刑。在一名法官发现他们为服满五年徒刑之后,下列要求他们返回监狱。

Bundy has been involved in standoffs with government officials before. In 2014, Bundy, his father Cliven and his brother took part in another armed standoff with federal officials. They had refused to pay money for grazing their cattle on federal land. The standoff ended when the U.S. government returned cattle to the family that it had seized.

Bundy此前就已经和政府发生过冲突。2014 年,Bundy和他的父亲 Cliven 以及兄弟组成第三方武装同联邦政府还有另外一个武装组织对峙。拒绝在联邦土地上放牧的牲畜支付费用。对峙结束后,美国政府将牛唤回Bundy一家。

John Freemuth is an expert in land use at Boise State University in the Idaho. He says the protesters are dealing with issues of concern to Western ranchers. The government controls huge areas of land in the Western United States. That includes more than half of the state of Oregon.

John Freemuth是爱达荷州博伊西州立大学土地利用专家。他说: 抗议者抗议的是西部牧场主关注的问题。政府控制着在美国西部大片土地,包括俄勒冈州一半以上土地。

Freemuth says there has been a change in public values about wildlife protection and public lands. He says this has left ranchers feeling “squeezed by all these changes, new environmental laws…and they feel they're not listened to.”

Freemuth 表示,公众对于野生动物保护和公共土地利用的态度一直在变化。他说: 现在牧场主的感觉是"他们在新环境的法律受到排挤,已经不能在忍受了。

The loosely organized occupation group has brought together people with many concerns, including gun rights. Oregon is one of 45 states with so-called “open carry” laws, which permit people to carry firearms.


One protester Jon Ritzheimer has led armed anti-Islamic protests in his home state of Arizona. Ritzheimer posted an emotional declaration on YouTube warning that “there's no stopping us.”

其中一名抗议者Jon Ritzheimer 在他的家乡亚利桑那州参加过反IS示威。根据Ritzheimer自己发布到youtube上的视频"有没有什么可以阻止我们"表达自己的愿望

John Freemuth says most Oregonians are appalled at the confrontation. He says they consider the occupiers outside activists “who have rolled in, armed and threatening, and have gone way beyond what the local folks are protesting.”

John Freemuth表示:现在俄勒冈大部分地区出于对抗状态。现在抗议分子采取了武装威胁等等手段,已经远远超出了普通居民抗议的范围。

Ryan Lenz is with the Southern Poverty Law Center. The organization studies extremist groups. Lenz says some ranchers who have real grievances with the federal government have been influenced by what he calls fringe ideologies. He says anti-government extremists should not control what is lawful “in a country where we have a longstanding system of jurisprudence as organized by our courts.”

Ryan Lenz是与南方贫困法律中心工作人员。该组织专门研究极端主义。Lenz表示:真正有冤屈的牧场主与联邦政府受到边缘意识影响。他说,反政府的极端分子不应该自己去决定什么是合法行为,尤其是一个长期以来实行民主法治的国家。

Rick Eaton is a researcher on extremist groups at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. He believes federal officials have shown restraint. Eaton says, “To their credit, the government has backed off and has not created a standoff.”

伊顿是洛杉矶的 Simon Wiesenthal研究中心研究员,该组织专门研究极端主义。他认为联邦政府官员已经表现出相当的克制。伊顿说,政府已经努力抛弃对他们的信任,还没有造成对峙的局面

Many standoffs end without violence or injury such as the occupation in 1972 of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC. Others like one in Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992 and another near Waco, Texas, ended with the deaths of civilians and federal agents.


Sheriff David Ward of Harney County in Oregon addressed the armed protesters on Monday. He said, “It is time for you to leave our community. Go home to your own families and end this peacefully.”

周一,俄勒冈州的哈尼县警长Harney County对抗议者表示:现在你们应该离开我们这里,回到自己家中,让这件事情和平解决。

Words in This Story

standoff –n. an argument or contest in which there is no winner

rancher –n. a person who works on a ranch, often raising cattle

grievances –n. feelings of having been treated unfairly

fringe –adj. the outer edge of something, not mainstream

ideologies –n. the set of ideas or beliefs of a group or political party

adequate –adj. enough

jurisprudence –n. the study of law
