
Dear Annie:
I have been married for three years to a wonderful man. He is gentle, thoughtful and works very hard. Let me clarify that: He will stay up until 2 or 3 a.m., come to bed and be up at 7 a.m. for work.
My husband has a fabulous income and has given me the opportunity to develop a small business. I'm not ungrateful. But I would like to have a baby. I come from a big loving family and am almost 30. My husband wants to wait. He says he's "too busy" to be a father right now. Annie, he will always be busy. He is a workaholic and likes it that way.
Twice in the past two years he has given me a date when we would start trying for a family. Both times he reneged.
When we were dating, he assured me he wanted children. I've been in counseling for a year for depression. Please help me. - Barren in Boise
Dear Boise:
Your workaholic husband isn't interested in changing his routine, but he owes it to you to keep his promises. If he refuses to make a sincere commitment to starting a family, insist that he get counseling with you. (And we hope you're prepared to raise those children alone, because he will always be at work.)