英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0121 - 赞美女性付出or直男癌?(在线收听

Topic1-95% Support 'Smog Subsidy': Survey
According to a report by Worker's Daily, 95 percent of respondents to a survey support a "smog subsidy" for those who work outdoors. Is a "smog subsidy" necessary? How difficult is it to grant "smog subsidies"?
Topic2-Young University Teachers Face Survival Difficulties
The news of a famous university scholar beaten up by a young teacher has attracted public attention recently. This has drawn our attention to the difficulties faced by young university teachers. What are these difficulties? Can we solve it?
Topic3-Advertisement in Honor of Women Backfires
Recently, a series of commercials sponsored by jeweler "I Do" have caused unexpected backlash from the public. The most conspicuous and controversial one has this ending slogan "she sacrificed her dream for yours."
It depicts women in marriage constantly making sacrifices for men and the family, why has it jangled the nerves of people?
Topic4-Sharing Book Lists on Wechat Becomes Popular
Have you noticed many people share on wechat the books they have read in the past year, or celebrities recommend reading lists on weibo? The reading rate among the public is actually dismal these days. But why does sharing book lists become so popular on social media?