英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0125 - Apple Pay靠什么跟阿里、腾讯抢?(在线收听

Topic1-China to Introduce Real-name Registration for Migrant Workers
According to a document issued by the State Council, China's cabinet, the country is set to introduce a real-name registration system for migrant workers to better protect their rights. Can a real-name registration system make sure that migrant workers get paid?
Topic2-Apple Pay to Launch in China
Apple Pay will arrive in China very soon. A pair of new videos showing Apple Pay working with UnionPay bank cards in China for both in-store and in-app purchases is going viral. Will this newcomer win support in China's fast growing mobile payment market?
Topic3-Teachers Write down Students' Names for Evaluation
By the end of a semester, all students need to sit for examination. But now teachers need to sit for an exam too. At least in Jinan, Shandong Province, Teachers at a vocational school are asked to recite and write down names of all students. Why did the school arrange such an examination?
Topic4-Modern Communication Disorder
Image this. It's approaching dinner time. You have a hundred friends on your wechat contact list, but there's not a single person that can sit down and have dinner with you. That's the moment you realize your social life exists only online. Does this sound familiar to you?
If your answer is yes, you may have what's called a "modern communication disorder." How did we end up here?