
Mike: Hey Amanda, where are you headed off to in a pink tracksuit?
Amanda: Where do you think? I'm going to the nearby track so that I can burn off some of this flab I accumulated during the school year. I think I'll jog for about half an hour to start off with, and once I get used to it, I'll continue by jogging for an hour each day.
Mike: You know, even though that sounds like a good idea, you shouldn't overdo it at the beginning. I suggest cutting down your sessions to only 30 minutes each time, and only going maybe two or three times per week. It's much better to pick a routine you can keep up for a long time, instead of trying to do something that you'll eventually give up on.
Amanda: But I want to lose this flab now! I went to look for a new pair of jeans last week, and only XL fit me without a risk of a major breach.
Mike: Well, exercise is great, but my first suggestion for you is to cut down on drinking all that bubble tea and only drink water, black coffee or unsweetened tea...