
A father's abandonment of nine of his children, aged 1 to 17, at a "safe haven" center in Omaha, Nebraska has been on my mind like a big rock.
Readers may be drawn to this event for many reasons. As someone who enjoys children but is not a parent, I find myself contemplating many questions.
What more important (or noble) task can there be than that of raising a child?
As for the story from Omaha, I wonder too about our use of the term "abandonment." Although the father let go of 9 of his children, he took them to a place where he knew people would offer his children care and protection. Doesn't "abandonment" mean "to throw away"? I can imagine some observers, unable to praise Mr. Staton, saying he at least acted in the best interests of his children.
The value of siblings in family life also comes to mind.
Having recently visited my siblings and their families, I realize now more than ever that none of us can make it alone in life. Having loved ones with whom to share laughter and tears is a huge blessing.
I hope Mr. Staton gets the help he needs, and I hope family and friends in Omaha can rescue those 9 children.