
 Dear Annie:

I am an attractive young woman with a history of anorexia. Thanks to loving friends, family and a wonderful boyfriend, I was able to recover and now enjoy eating healthful, well-balanced meals.
Here's the problem. I hold a good job at a grocery store. On occasion, I will splurge and buy some snack I am craving, but I absolutely dread going through the checkout stand. My co-workers always feel it is necessary to comment on the food I buy. When I buy junk food, they tease me. I know these comments are intended to be harmless, but they always fill me with guilt about what I'm eating. None of my co-workers knows about my past struggles and I really don't want to explain. Annie, I don't comment on my co-workers' purchases. Why do they need to do it to me? - Not Anorexic but Still Recovering in California
Dear California:
They are trying to be friendly and don't realize what a sensitive issue this is for you. Since you don't want to share the information about your anorexia (nor should you feel obligated to do so), it's best if you can avoid reacting to the food comments. In time, the remarks will seem neither original nor amusing, and your co-workers will stop.