
 Dear Annie:

My wife and I play gin rummy, often when traveling. We are both competitive, and although I can get a bit emotional, I do play by the rules. During a recent trip, my wife and I played a few games in a public place. We were at a crucial point in the three-game series when she turned the card that beat me. My response, in the agony of defeat, was to let out a loud "dang it." My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.
My wife glared at me and snapped, "Don't you ever do that again. You have embarrassed me." I felt terrible about what happened, and my outburst all but ruined our plans for the evening. I suppose the easiest solution would be to just not play. However, I would sorely miss those few occasions when I win. I am optimistic you will have a better solution. - Be Quiet and Deal
Dear Be Quiet:
Actually, we think it's great that you and your wife enjoy playing card games together, and yelling when you lose is pretty normal behavior. Still, it should be fun for both of you. So, work on lowering your voice in public, play with your wife only in private, or play a game that doesn't get you so riled up. Pick an option, any option.