
Dear Annie:
My daughter, "Lara," just finished her junior year in college, and she has been steadily gaining weight.
The summer before college, Lara dropped some pounds and seemed determined not to gain them back. Her self-esteem went up and she was happy.
However, her weight has gone back up, and I know her size bothers her because I've seen her cry. Yet she doesn't do anything. I am terribly concerned about her. In the past six months, she's ballooned even more. She must weigh at least 250 pounds.
I don't know how I can help her. When she is away at school, I get little time with her and don't know if it's right to bring up the subject. Please help. - Worried in the Midwest
Dear Worried:
Lara's weight may be a manifestation of mild depression. Many kids who go away to college use food as comfort to compensate for loneliness, stressful classes, etc., and this is where you should focus your efforts. Suggest exercise as a way to boost her endorphins. If she's home for the summer, you can join her at a gym or in biking around the neighborhood. When she's back at school, encourage her to take advantage of the college counselling services. Make this about her health and happiness and not about her size.