
Mike: You've got to try these sausages, Amanda. They're delicious!
Amanda: I'd love to eat a sausage, Mike, but didn't your mother ever teach you any table manners? You shouldn't talk with your mouth full! No one wants to see what your food looks like when it's all chewed up, and besides, I think you just spit something in my eye!
Mike: Sorry! Sometimes I just get excited about something and then I forget my manners. While we're on the topic, though, is there anything else I need to be aware of?
Amanda: First of all, you should sit with better posture when you're eating. You shouldn't put your elbows on the dinner table, and you definitely shouldn't be all slouched over-that's just rude. Also, when you're having a meal with relatives or family friends, you should always wait for your elders to start eating first before you take anything for yourself.
Mike: Wow, maybe I should just call you "Miss Manners" from now on. How did you become such an expert on this subject anyway?
Amanda: I don't know if I'm an "expert," but my parents were always very strict about this kind of thing when I was growing up. Weren't yours?
Mike: ... Hold on! I'll answer you as soon as I finish swallowing my food!