极简手机 未来新潮流(在线收听

   Joe Hollier, a 25-year-old former skater turned technology entrepreneur, describes the moment of transcendental calm when he gave up his smartphone. Mr Hollier had started “going light”, leaving behind his high tech pocket companion and disconnecting from a world defined by ready access to the internet.

  乔攠利耶(Joe Hollier)今年25岁,曾经是一名滑板运动员,现在则是一名科技企业家。他将放弃智能手机的那一刻称为超觉平静时刻。奥利耶开始“变轻”,将自己的高科技随身设备抛之脑后,与一个以随时接入互联网为标志的世界割断联系。
  It was not easy, he admits. “There is an initial anxiety,” he says. “It’s quite intense. You start tapping your pocket and fidgeting. But then there is this feeling of huge relief.”
  New York-based Mr Hollier and his co-founder Kaiwei Tang used the experience as the basis for a subversive mobile phone being launched this summer: revolutionary not for all the advanced features but for the lack of any at all.
  The Light Phone allows you to make or take calls, but nothing else. There is only enough storage in the phone for 10 numbers. No messaging, no camera, no internet.
  你可以使用Light Phone接打电话,但除此之外什么都不能做。这种电话里只有存储10个号码的空间,不能发短信、没有摄像头,更不能上网。
  The design is important: it is simplicity itself in a plastic shell the size of a credit card on which the numbers glow using a dot matrix screen. The recharging grind of most modern smartphones is avoided through a 20-day battery life.
  “We tested out the concept,” says Mr Hollier, who met Mr Tang at a Google-run tech incubator. “We found that the value was not in what it can do but in the lack of it. We were offering the maximum disconnection with the minimum of choice.”
  Mr Tang had been working for a smartphone company but found that the annual cycle of minor product improvements had become “gratuitous and wasteful”, according to Mr Hollier.
  In a market where even the cheapest smartphones have the processing power of a basic personal computer, the Light Phone is partly a protest against the digital age. But Mr Hollier hopes it can become more than that: a way for its users to cut out distractions.
  在一个即便是最廉价的智能手机都拥有基本个人计算机处理能力的市场里,Light Phone在一定程度上是对数字时代的抗议。但奥利耶希望它的意义不止于此:它还可以让其用户减少分心。
  “Solitude and boredom are two of my favourite things,” he says, pointing to the opportunity for creativity. “Pulling out the phone while waiting for a train had become a nervous habit. The side effects were surprisingly severe.”
  The pair raised $415,127 from 3,187 backers on the Kickstarter platform to develop the phone. The device is still at a prototype stage but a company in China has begun manufacturing handsets to be shipped in June. They have taken pre-orders for $100 but say the exact retail price is not yet fixed. The first Light Phone is white; a black version is planned.
  这两人在Kickstarter平台上从3187名支持者那里筹集了41.5127万美元以开发Light Phone。该手机目前仍处于样机阶段,一家中国公司已经开始生产,准备在今年6月发货。他们以100美元的价格接受预购,但表示最终的零售价格还没有确定下来。首款Light Phone是白色的,计划今后推出黑色版本。
  The device has found unexpected fans. Mr Hollier, who has had an array of jobs from running his own skateboarding company to film-making and graphic design, assumed that people a bit like him would want the phone: younger users who might not want to take their expensive technology to the beach or to go skating. But the device has found special resonance with business users over 45 years old, he says, who enjoyed the days before the constant distractions of the smartphone. “They remember the importance of sitting on a park bench and just thinking.”
  Light Phone还发现了出乎意料的粉丝。奥利耶干过许多工作,从经营自己的滑板运动公司,到电影制片和图形设计。他原本认为,和他差不多的人将会想要这种手机:那些较为年轻的、可能不想拿着昂贵手机去海滩或者玩滑板的用户。但他表示,45岁以上的商界人士也对该手机产生了特殊的共鸣,这些人怀念没有智能手机持续干扰之前的平静生活。“他们记得坐在公园椅子上只是静静思考的重要性。”
  He says there has been a surprisingly warm reception in Asia, perhaps a backlash against the popularity of big最攀爀 “phablet” phones designed primarily for access to the internet and watching video.
  Mr Hollier admits that most people will also want a smartphone, which can be linked to the Light Phone to forward calls. As a companion device, he says, the Light Phone is useful as an emergency fallback or for carrying when doing physical sports or on an evening out.
  奥利耶承认,大多数人还是想要智能手机,而Light Phone可以把智能手机接收的呼叫转接过来。他说,作为一个随身设备,Light Phone可以用于紧急备用手机或者在运动或者晚上外出时携带。
  But in trying to create a device purposely designed to be used as little as possible, Mr Hollier and his partner may have stumbled on something that could turn out to be used rather a lot.