英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0127 - 告别单身你需要掌握的把妹技能(在线收听

Topic1-How Do Chinese Tourists Spend Money Overseas?
Statistics released by the Ministry of Commerce show that overseas consumption of Chinese tourists is estimated to have reached 1.2 trillion Yuan in 2015. China has the world's largest number of outbound travellers. What countries do Chinese tourists like most? And what do Chinese people like to do when we are abroad?
Topic2-Visually Impaired Man Sues China Railway Corp over Ticketing Website
A visually impaired man has sued China Railway Corporation and two other organizations in a court in Beijing. The man says it is impossible for people like him to buy tickets on the official train ticket website 12306.cn. How difficult for visually impaired people? What should the website do to make it easier?
Topic3- How Do the Chinese Meet People?
According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, whether by choice or the result of circumstances, nearly 200 million adults in China are single, accounting for 14.6 percent of the population.
Have you ever wondered How do Chinese people meet future partners in a relationship?