英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0128 - 地铁里“劈腿”的正确打开方式(在线收听

Topic1-Shanghai Plan to Cover Venture Capital Firms' Losses
The Shanghai government has issued a plan to compensate venture capital firms for their loss, in a bid to encourage innovation.
It has been criticized by professional investors as violating market principles and filled with loopholes. Should the Shanghai government bailout venture capital firms?
Topic2-NPC Deputy Calling for a Law to Dispose of Used Batteries
The disposal of alkaline-based batteries is a problem in China. A deputy of the National People's Congress in Shenzhen has proposed to establish a law to address the issue. Is it necessary to have a law?
Topic3-Blurry Photos Ask for Red Envelops on WeChat
Tuesday night, I bet lots of you saw blurry photos pop up in your wechat moments or friend circle. And if you want to see a clear photo of your friends, you need to give them a digital red envelop of money. It quickly became the latest internet fad. Do you get it?
Manspread is a verb.
Man spreading is when a dude sits down on a chair and spreads out his legs to make a V shape with them.The most annoying thing is the spread of their legs take up more than one seat on public transport.