
Public reaction to a recent proposal at Soochow University to rein in the number of appearances faculty members may make on talk shows was swift and negative. Various voices argued in favor of reasonable involvement by university instructors in political television programs.
The Soochow fracas raises questions about the kind of impact that professors who "talk politics" have on their students.
I believe in everyone's right to express political views, but I also believe it is wrong for an instructor to use more than an occasional few minutes in class to do so. A teacher's primary responsibility is to meet student needs.
Among all the people with whom youth are acquainted, parents seem to be natural influences on youth. Next come peers, sports and entertainment figures, religious and political leaders, authors of admired books, neighbors, family members, and teachers. If we weigh the words that the people above speak for their potential to influence our youth, teachers might well finish last.
Words alone will not enable any teacher to have an enduring impact on students. If we aim to influence our students, we must examine our behavior. What students see teachers do might make a dent on their minds.