
Where else would the world's biggest dinosaur live, but in the world's trendiest town? "Live" may be stretching it a bit. Brachiosaurus brancai has been dead for 150 million years, but he remains impressive, towering more than 13 meters over visitors to Berlin's Naturkundemuseum (Natural History Museum).
The fact that many of the visitors are little-children are the museum's most enthusiastic visitors-only adds to his stature. Brachiosaurus is big; his head measures about a meter from the tip of his nose to the back of his skull, and his heart is thought to have weighed 400 kilograms.
The refurbished museum in old East Berlin reopened in July last year. It now has special effects binoculars that show how Brachiosaurus looked and moved around his environment. The special effects first show the skeleton as it is displayed in the museum, then add muscle and sinew, followed by skin.
Brachiosaurus is definitely the star of the show. The dinosaur has two heads:One is fixed at the end of his neck way up high, and the second mounted on a low pedestal at ground level so that visitors can get a closer look. The second head is in fact a three-dimensional digital copy.
This Brachiosaurus is the largest mounted dinosaur specimen in the world, measuring 15.5 meters long and 13.27 meters high.