



Visiting a Chicken Farm

One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit.

When they came near the incubator, a chick just got out of its eggshell.

“It’s wonderful to see a little thing come out from the eggshell, isn’t it?” the teacher said.

“Yes, sir.”said one of the boys, “but it would be more wonderful if we know that how a chick gets into its eggshell beforehand.”








1.pupil学生。也特指“小学生”,还可以说是“弟子”:They were pupils of the old painter.他们是那位老画家的弟子。

2.pay进行(访问),给予(问候):pay attention to 对…注意;pay one’s respects to sb.向某人致敬;pay sb. a compliment(on his work)赞扬某人(的工作)

3.incubator孵化基地。也可引申为“培养人才的基地”:This middle school is an incubator for university football players.这所中学是为大学培养足球运动员的场所。

4.chick小鸡。口语里也可以指“少女”: That chick is some pumpkins.那姑娘很了不起。

5.eggshell蛋壳。也可引申为“薄而易碎的东西”:walk on eggshells战战兢兢地行事。Is American political life truly so eggshell-thin?美国的政坛生活真是那么没保障吗?

6.beforehand之前,提前。Get everything ready beforehand.事先把一切准备好。也可以作形容词(一般作表语):When you go on a journey, be beforehand with your packing.你出门旅行时要事先整理好行装。
