公众人物毕业演讲 第203期:杰雷诺2014爱默生学院(1)(在线收听

   Jay Leno, welcome home

  杰·雷诺 欢迎回家
  By virtue of the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  and the Board of Trustees of Emerson College
  I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of doctor of humane letters
  which you have so justly earned with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities pertaining thereto
  这是你应得的 以及所有与此相关的权利 特权和责任
  and invite you to deliver this morning's commencement address
  Thank you very much. Thank you.
  非常感谢大家 谢谢
  I am the little man on this totem pole, very distinguished people
  I thank Don Lemon for taking time out for looking that airplane to be here today
  Thank you I know you gotta get back
  谢谢你 我知道你要回去
  Well what's better? Mother's day and graduation?
  母亲节和毕业在一天 还有什么更好的
  Is there any greater mom gift in the world, look at that, how about that?
  还有更好的母亲节礼物吗 这真是太棒了
  I want to thank President Pelton and chairman of board Jeff Greenhawt for the opportunity to be with you today
  我要感谢佩尔顿校长和校董会主席杰夫·格林霍特 让我今天有机会来到这里
  You know I'm stunned to be here
  I still can't believe that I'm a college graduate
  I still have nightmares that I have tests to take and take my word, I was a terrible student
  我还做着噩梦 梦到有考试要考说真的 我是个很差的学生
  I'm dislexic, here's how this dyslexia was treated when I was a kid
  我有失读症 我小时候失读症是这样治的