

Here Kawangware, an informal settlement on the outskirts of Kenya's capital, students make their way to Sifa Primary School. They pay their tuition with Gatina pesas. The school is one of several institutions that accepts the community currency.

在肯尼亚首都郊区的“Kawangware”贫民窟,学生们即将前往赛法小学。他们用“Gatina pesas”交学费。赛法小学也是几所接受社区货币的机构之一。

Teacher Josephine Ouma said the currency has made life easier.


This currency works in a way that it circulates, so as a teacher I get it from the parents and I still take the same currency back to the parents to buy their goods. So it is a circulation process that I do not think there can be any scarcity.


The NGO Grassroots Economics rolled out the currency here last year. Pesas are only valid in the Gatina Village part of the settlement.


Community currency is a legal tender that works as a promissory note and works hand in hand with the national currency. So in the event a member has less of the national currency, they are free to supplement it with the community currency, so as to get access to the goods and services they may need.


But NGO has given pesa's to about 500 locals. Each member must be vouched for by four business owners. The member then receives a maximum of 400 pesas, of which 200 are saved and pooled for community improvement projects. The rest they can spend like cash.


But those 500 members are a fraction of the approximately 10,000 people living in Gatina Village.


There are some challenges with the currency. Since there are a lot of people here who have not accepted its use, but I believe that once we educate them on it, they will accept it, since many more are joining as we continue to enlighten them.


The NGO said it started with a small number of members to make monitoring easier, but experts note that community currencies do have limitations.


It prevents you from getting goods and services from outside the economy, the local economy, and that means that the exchange networks are often quite small. A second weakness is the organization. At the moment, a lot of community currencies are organized in a voluntary form and after a certain amount of time the impetus runs out.



Grassroots Economics plans to expand the initiative to communities in Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania in 2016. Participants say the currency provides a cushion against hard times.

