
真正的爱情并非是战场上的豪言壮语,爱情的火花是潜移默化地在我们相互之间的交流和摩擦中碰撞出来的,是相互之间钦慕已久而熊熊燃烧起来的。在电影Jane Eyer中,我们可以看到:在夜深人静之时,在宁静的桑菲尔庄园里,Jane和Rochester真实而又深情地相互倾诉着爱恋着对方的感觉,呈现给我们一幅如歌如泣,催人泪下的“谈情说爱”的画面。
例句-1:Jack and Jill sat at their table all during the dance billing and cooing like a pair of lovebirds.
例句-2:If you two will stop billing and cooling for a few minutes, I have something I'd like to say.
在我们刚才听到的2个例句中,我们都听到了同一个词语:bill and coo。听到这个词,我就想起了曾在1948年轰动一时的由迪安.雷斯娜导演的一部美国影片,就叫做Bill and Coo。短语中的bill是指“鸽子的嘴相互接触”,coo是指“鸽子咕咕地叫”。
由此,bill and coo就是“谈情说爱”的意思。If you bill and coo with someone you love, you talk quietly to him and kiss him. So, "to bill and coo" means "to exchange kisses and loving whispers between lovers ".
我们在来看2个例子:1.jpgEg.It is not unusual that courting couples bill and coo in the street or on the subway, totally ignoring the presence of others.
注解:courting couples:谈情说爱的男女
Eg.He took his girlfriend home after the party and they stayed in the car billing and cooing for a long time before she went into her house.
我们现在知道了我们最初听到的2个例句中的关键词语bill and coo的意思是谈情说爱,最后我们就回到这2个例句中来看看它们的意思。
例句-1:Jack and Jill sat at their table all during the dance billing and cooing like a pair of lovebirds.
这句话是说:在舞会中Jack和Jill 始终坐在桌子那里,像一对情鸟似的谈情说爱。
注解:billing and cooing like a pair of lovebirds是现在分词短语做伴随状况状语。
例句-2:If you two will stop billing and cooling for a few minutes, I have something I'd like to say.
注解:I'd like to say是定语从句修饰前面的不定代词something。
我们今天的这招说Love:bill and coo,意思是谈情说爱。大家不妨走近可可影视课堂Jane Eyer第33期亲临其境地走近Jane和Rochester他们那催人泪下的真实的爱情表白中去,去享受和体验一下爱。我们今天的学习就到此结束了,我们下期再见。