
近期,我们都在畅聊“爱”这个话题,我们来回顾一下:to bill and coo意思是谈情说爱;blood is thicker than water意思是血浓于水;a dear John letter意思是绝交信,绝情信;to fall head over heels in love with someone是在恋爱方面为异性而神魂颠倒;to worship the ground somebody walks on意思是拜倒在某人的脚下。
All right, if you have a crush on someone, what will we do? Will what..... 将怎么样呢?To be sure(当然),就是求婚,结婚之类的事情了。好,那么在今后的日子里我们就进入“Marrige”(婚姻)这个话题。我们今天要聊的婚姻是什么样的婚姻呢? 还是从下面的2个句子寻求答案。
例句-1:The man got married again, but this time wore another man's old shoes.
例句-2:Never mention that woman again, I won't wear another man's old shoes.
在我们刚才听到的2个例句中,我们都可以听到同一个词语,这个词语还跟我们中文中与之意思相同的话字眼相同,它是:wear another man's old shoes。词语中的wear是“穿”的意思,old是“旧”的意思,shoes是指“鞋子”。Wear another man's shoes字面意思就是“穿另一一个男人的旧鞋子”。那么,“穿别人的破鞋子”在我们中文中就是指和一个荡淫、乱作风不正的女人谈情说爱,结婚。Wear another man's shoes也就正是这个意思。It means "to marry a loose woman who married a man before and now get divorced".
例句-1:John had got a blind date with Mary and fallen head over heels in love with her, so they got married very quickly. And in the end John hit the ceiling, when knowing he wore another man's old shoes.
注解:a blind date:由介绍人安排的男女之间的初次会面
Eg.We met on a blind date.我们是经介绍人而认识的。
注解2:hit the ceiling:暴跳如雷;大发雷霆
Eg.He hit the ceiling at the news.他听到那消息暴跳如雷。
例句-2:Most of my friends supposed Anne and I would make a mathch of it and lead a happy life, but I am depressed that I wore another man's old shoes, actually we have been leading a cat and dog life since I knew it.
注解1:make a match of it:结婚,结成夫妻,配成一对
Eg.My broad-minded uncle tried his best to make a match of it but did not succeed.
Eg.Although they lived far away form each other, they finally made a match of it.
注解2:live a cat and dog life:过着冰炭不相容的生活,过着水火不相容的生活,过着争争吵吵的生活
Eg.England and Ireland have lived a cat and dog life.英格兰和爱尔兰一直是冰炭不相容的。
好,我们现在知道了最初我们听到的2个例句中的关键词语wear another man's old shoes的意思,现在我们就回到那2个句子中来看看它们的意思。
例句-1:The man got married again, but this time he wore another man's old shoes.
例句-2:Never mention that woman again, I won't wear another man's old shoes.
好,各位亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说“婚姻”:wear another man's old shoes,意思是穿别人的破鞋,娶寡妇为妻,娶了别人的妻子为妻。值得注意一点的就是这个寡妇和女人是生活作风是放荡、放纵的。在我们今天的学习小节目结束之前,我们一起来欣赏一首经典的英文歌曲,it is called Just Last One Dance。Enjoy it!
Musice:Just Last One Dance