
M:OK Derm, thanks very much for coming along today and I'm sorry if we've upset you. Diarmuid: No no I'm fine, I'm fine. But I'm still not telling you. Ok bye bye. W:Thank you, thank you for joining us. M:See you. Diarmuid: Bye bye. M:Do you think we should ask another person? w:I think we should. Just to make sure that we have done reliable research. M:Exactly, it needs to be reliable. Ok, well the next person that we've got coming in is our colleague Finn, Finn Aberdein. Here he is. W:Oh Finn. Thank you for coming. Finn: Hello, hello. Thank you for having me. W:We are friends aren't we Finn? Finn: We are indeed. M: Could I ask you a question? Finn: Please do Li. W:How much do you earn? Finn: How much do I earn?! Oh I don't know if I can tell you that. I don't know if I can tell everyone in China that either. M: We are friends aren't we? M: We're really good friends, so... Finn: But we do the same job and if one of us earns more then I might be a bit upset.
