
 M:We're very kind of self-conscious about class aren't we and we don't like to, if you're rich, you don't like to act like a rich person. People don't like to show what class they're in do they? Finn: I think that the divisions, yes, are perhaps more blurred than they used to be and I think people within each class, such as they still exist, are perhaps intentionally blurring them because they might be aspiring to be in a higher class or if you're in a higher class perhaps hiding that to an extent. M:Very interesting. Can I just ask you one question before we finish? Finn: Please. M:Are you married? Finn: I'm not married yet Will. M:OK. I just wanted to make sure, I just wanted to check you're not married yet. Finn: OK. M:Thanks Finn for coming in. Finn: Thank you very much.
