
课题例句:Last year the football team was a worse team among the league, but this year the situation is a horse of a different color, the team has beaten all of others.
引出片语:a horse of a different color
解词释义:a horse of a different color从表面上看指“一匹不同颜色的马”,比喻为“全然不同的情况,今非昔比的情形”。When some kinds of situations have changed completely, you can use the phrase, a horse of different color, to express it. It means something that is completely different from another thing or some situations that are completely different from before.
追根寻源:英美人为何用这个词语表示这个意思呢?我们要追溯到19世纪。19世纪的时候,马在世界各地被普遍的用于耕作、运输和战争。但有一种现象是:当我们远远的看到一匹马时,印象中马是一种颜色,但走近后仔细一看,却发现颜色根本不一样。所以,a horse of a different color就是“全然不同的情况,今非昔比的情形”的意思
范例:Before liberation, it was impossible for the Chinese people to enjoy their life under the oppression of "the three big mountains". But after 1949, it's a horse of a different color. The Chinese people have become masters themselves.
视野拓展:在美语中,如果要表达“情况完全不同”的意思,人们也常说The shoe is on the other foot.从字面上看,这个片语的意思是“这鞋子在另一支脚上”。可能是因为人们的脚长大了,情况已经不同了,原来的鞋子已经不适合的缘故吧。这是我的联想,您有您自己的联想。不管怎样,人们用这样一个片语来表示“情况的不同”和“时事的变迁”。
范例情景:当今的网络时代确实使我们的生活发生了很大的变化。以前人们书信来往以表达自己长长的思念,可如今情况不同了,他们常使用Email, 我们看看下面这个句子是怎样说的:
范例:Historically, the young expresses their loving feelings each other in the way to send a letter. However, nowadays, the shoe is on the other foot, they do it in the way to send an email.
以前年轻人彼此通过书信表达爱慕之情。 然而,现在情况完全不同了,他们常用电子邮件。
语意延伸:随着时间的流逝,一个词语也有其延伸和拓展意。现在在英国英语中,人们使用这个片语时,更强调的是情况完全相反而不仅仅是不同,他们对这个片语的解析用了一个比较贴切的说法:the idiom used to say something that is in a situation in the past is now in another situation that is completely opposite。
范例:Tom was a millionaire five years ago, but now the shoe is on the other foot. He has nothing except carrying heavy debts.
课题总结:今天我们学了一个片语a horse of a different color。20年前和现在比有太多太多的不同了。例如:我们以前是大学本科毕业后是国家包分配的,我们进入由国家干部指标的单位。可是20年年后情况就the shoe is on the other foot。现在正值夏季,很多大学生毕业了,正处于迷茫和彷徨之中,很难找份适合自己的工作,即使找到了,也不稳定。时下,就是研究生、博士生拿到学位后都不一定找到固定的有终生保障的单位。Yes, it is a horse of a different color!