澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-01-29(在线收听

 Thanks Michael

The World Health Organization has warned the Zika virus is spreading explosively across Latin America and up to 4 million cases can now be expected. The mosquito borne virus has been linked to birth defects. 23 countries have reported Zika infections with Argentina reporting its first case overnight.
French police have arrested a 28-year-old man who they say was found with two guns and ammunition outside Disneyland in Paris. The 28-year-old was searched and taken into custody after his bag triggered a metal detector in a hotel near Europe's most popular tourist attraction.
The fire threat in western Australia has eased with two emergency warning being downgraded in the small community of (gray craise but great crews??), I'm sorry, spent the night strengthening containment lines as they attempt to get the blaze under control. and overnight an emergency warning was issued for bushfire threat a forest style in the city Amidale but that seems downgraded to a watch and act.
Senior cabinet minister Chister Paune says ignoring the result of public vote on same sex marriage would be political suicide. The coalition has proposed a plebiscite on the issue if it wins the next election, but a number of conservative senators say they vote against gay marriage anyway.  Mr. Paune says his colleagues welcome the views but 'yes-vote' would become a law. 
And the world's most famous doll Barbie has undergone a major make over and her thigh gap is no more. Tall, curvy and petite Barbies will all be added to the lineup as Barbie finally gets real in all sharps and sizes along with several new skin tones.