澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-02-05(在线收听

 Thank you Virginia

Refugees could face closer monitoring in Australia under sweeping changes to the government humanitarian resettlement program. A leaked cabinet document suggests immigration minister Peter Dutton is also planning to make it harder for refugees to gain permanent residency because of national security fears.
The Vikileaks founder Julian Assange remains inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London despite a finding overnight by the UN that he has been unlawfully detained. The 44-year old sought refuge at the embassy in 2012 to avoid being extradited to Sweden over sexual assault claims. Mr.Assange says he should now be able to leave the embassy but police are warning he would be arrested if he does so with Britain saying it's not bound by the United Nation's ruling.
A five-year old girl has had part of her nose bitten off in a horrifying dog attack in Sydney's west. Police were called to a house in Pendle Hill last night after reports a girl had been mauled in her front yard by a dog was visiting the house. The dog has been seized by the local council.
And a conference in London has raised more than 10 billion US dollars to help Syrians affected inside the 5-year war. The Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says Australia has pledged an extra 25 million dollars.