探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-4(在线收听

 The king, prefering his son to be a more conventional emperor, surrounded him with luxury to attach him to a worldly life, The streets were cleared of unpleasant sights so he was blissfully unaware of the suffering of the world. But the plan backfired. One day while stancing in his carriage he unexpectedly saw an old man. Later  he saw a sick man, and then a corpse. Witnessing the pain and frailty of human existence shook him to the core. When the king saw a holy man, he was inspired, and his destiny was sealed. 

  I have to say this colorful accounts of the Budda's early palace life does have more than a ring of fable to it because it's like kind of a textbook, heroic story. But it does also seem to reflect a real excentral crisis.
  The Budda observed that our lives were permeated by suffering. His quest was to find out if there was a way to overcome it. He left the remote Himalayan foothill and headed south, abandoning everything, his privilege, his family, his homeland