探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-7(在线收听

 For the Buddha, the rigid hierarchy of the caste system and sacrifices to the gods relied on blind faith and received wisdom, not any kind of rational explanation. He passionately thought that must be a more robust, a more credible way to understand and explain our places of the world.

The Buddha’s journey continued on, down to the Gandhi’s plain. It was a wild and mist of a rapid transformation. New cities and prosperous centralized kingdoms had emerged. The Buddha settled at the one, the kingdom of Magadha and spent time here in a well capital, Rajagriha. Along these reparable walls, you can still experience the ancient city. As the Buddha would know it, the streets of the city here would be crowded with glory painted carriages, blink gold and silver, coats blue lapis lazuli, sandal woods and rich crowds. And in the distance, you can see great carried vans carrying more fabulous goods from XXX, what is the modern day’s Afghanistan.