背诵为王 第 一 册 第 61 课(在线收听

Watching a Show

The circus finally arrived in the town. Dad booked tickets for the first show on Thursday evening, which was the only show for which he could easily make himself free. The family arrived at the show and was in their seats in good time. Dad sat on a seat next to the aisle, with Mary two seats away next to Mother.

Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums, the show began. For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps of astonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloons popped. People laughed and clapped their hands as the horses and the lion tamer performed. The show was over after two hours. "Which did you like best?"asked the mother as they made their way home. "Oh, the dogs"act,"cried Mary. "I had no idea that they could be so clever.

circus 马戏团  aisle 走廊,过道  blare 大而刺耳的声音

trumpet 喇叭  drum   up-turned 朝上的,翻过来的

gasp 喘气,喘息  astonishment 惊讶  splash 使四处飞溅

pop 爆裂  clap 鼓掌,轻拍  tamer 驯服手  perform 表演

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