公众人物毕业演讲 第249期:斯蒂芬科尔伯特2013弗吉尼亚大学(2)(在线收听

   I didn't make it to many classes this year我今年根本就没上什么课

  You guys must have really tanked your finals你们期末考试肯定是故意输给我的
  Thank you for that
  I'd also like to thank President Teresa Sullivan我还要感谢特蕾莎·沙利文校长
  Thank you very much, President Sullivan
  非常感谢 沙利文校长
  You are way better than that last President Teresa Sullivan你比最后这位特蕾莎·沙利文校长要好很多
  She was terrible
  I'm so glad they cut her loose
  我很高兴 学校从此同她脱离关系
  Good riddance, I say
  我要说 终于解脱了
  You are clearly the woman for this job
  I'd also like to thank the board of visitors我还要感谢董事会
  board of visitors of course
  你们管它叫Board of Visitors(访客委员会)
  that name goes all the way back to your founder这可以一直追溯到你们的创建者
  Thomas Jefferson who was just trying to put the local Indian at ease托马斯·杰斐逊 他只是想让当地印第安人安心罢了just visiting, should be going home any century now我们只是访客 多少世纪之后 我们会回家去的
  And as just one of the many unique dignified terms这只是很多高贵名词其中之一
  that set UVA apart from other universities:
  Instead of freshmen you have first years
  这里大一生不叫freshmen 而叫first years
  Instead of a quad, you call it a lawn
  方庭不叫quad 而叫lawn
  Instead of saying we are members of a proud educational tradition这里不说 我们对一直追溯到开国元勋的
  dating back to our nation's founders you say Wahoowa悠久教育传统感到自豪 而说Wahoowa
  Which begs the eternal question wahoo why? wahoo这就回避了一个永恒的问题 为什么
  Now I went to Hampden-Sydney College
  Thank you, please sit down
  谢谢 请坐
  and I used to come up here as much as I could我曾尽可能多地来这里
  because you had these things back then
  因为 你们当时有这些
  I'm not sure what you call them now girls我不知道你们现在怎么称呼 女生