CCTV9英语新闻:CPPCC member explains China's rocket plan(在线收听

During the political season, CPPCC member and scientist Liang Xiaohong has told media about China's rocket development plan, saying two new rockets will make debut this year.


According to Liang, Long March 7 will be launched first half of the year. It's China's first rocket specializing in carrying cargo spaceships. Long March 5 is China's next-generation heavy lift rocket. It's capable of carrying out multiple exploration tasks. It will be launched in the second half of the year. Liang also said that China will develop heavy carrier rocket system.


The rocket is expected to have the thrust several times of the current force. The research and development of it is expected to begin during the 13th five-year plan, which is between 2016-2020.
