CCTV9英语新闻:President Xi calls for 'targeted' poverty alleviation(在线收听

Lawmakers and the political advisory body are holding discussions on major political, economic and social issues. Poverty alleviations was high on the list when President Xi Jinping joined a group of deputies to the National People's Congress from Hunan Province. He noted Hunan is a populous province, and said poverty alleviation there a tough battle.

Chinese President Xi Jinping joins a group deliberation of deputies from Hunan Province to the annual session of the National People

Chinese President Xi Jinping joins a group deliberation of deputies from Hunan Province to the annual session of the National People's Congress in Beijing, capital of China, March 8, 2016. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

The president stressed the balance between China's current economic structural reform, and the need to improve people's livelihoods. About 70 million Chinese still live below the poverty line.  The government has vowed to lift them all out of poverty by 2020.

To achieve that, President Xi directed governments at all levels to carry out targeted and precise measures.
