英语六级听力考试预测模拟练习Model Test Three(在线收听


[00:00.00]1.M:Mary,that's beautiful.How is John?

[00:04.91]W:Thank you.He's fine.As a matter of fact,I'm a little worried.I think John will raise the roof as soon as he sees the bill for this month's expense.

[00:14.16]Q:Why is Mary worried?

[00:15.93]2.M:Carol,tell me about how you spent your time,today?

[00:20.61]W:Oh,dad.I began studying at 8 and finished at 5 with one hour for lunch in between.I'm exhausted now.

[00:29.23]Q:For how many hours did Carol study?

[00:31.82]3.W:Have you seen the film"The Coal Miner's Daughter"?It's a film nobody should miss.

[00:39.29]M:I've been trying to get a ticket but I can't.

[00:42.32]Q:What can we infer from the dialogue?

[00:44.62]4.W:Oh,God.How did you spend the money I gave you just now?

[00:50.73]M:The shirt costs me $40.Then I spend $3 seeing a film and $15 for lunch.Oh,I nearly forget that I just gave $4 for tip.Now there are only $3 left.

[01:04.44]Q:How much did the woman give the boy?

[01:07.03]5.Why don't we stop for some ice-cream after the play?

[01:12.07]W:I'd love to,but I'm on a diet.

[01:15.02]Q:What does the man ask the woman to do?

[01:17.77]6.M:I do like those colorful birds.I think you can teach them to talk.

[01:25.21]W:Yes,but they are too expensive.Frankly,I'd rather buy a parrot here.

[01:30.59]Q:Where did this conversation probably take place?

[01:33.73]7.W:Are you ready to leave?

[01:37.23]M:Just a second,I need to put my camera in the suitcase.

[01:41.25]Q:What does the man imply?

[01:43.21]8.Jane,we are going to see Mary.Would you like to go with us?

[01:49.09]W:Yes,but I'll make a call to my husband first.

[01:52.61]Q:What will the woman probably do at once?

[01:55.70]9.M:Let's go into the waiting room now.It's already half past eight.

[02:00.95]W:No need to hurry.We still have forty minutes before the plane takes off.

[02:05.23]Q:When will the plane take off?

[02:07.16]10.M:Now,what seems to be the trouble,Mr.Smith?

[02:11.87]W:I've been very tired lately,and last night I had a bad headache.

[02:16.18]Q:What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

[02:19.99]Passage One

[02:21.58]Mark Twain who wrote the story we are going to read travelled quite a lot,often because of circumstances,usually financial circumstances forced him to.

[02:31.88]He was born in Florida Masial area in 1835 and then moved to Hannibal masial area with his family when he was four years old,most people think he was born in Hannibal,but that isn't true.

[02:45.98]After his father died when he was about twelve,Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so that he could earn more money.

[02:53.58]He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers and then got a job as river pilot on the Mississippi.

[03:00.14]Twain loved this job and many of his books show it.

[03:03.67]The river job didn't last,however,because of the outbreak of the Civil War.

[03:07.85]Twain was in the army for just two weeks and then he and whole company went to West to get away from the war and the army.

[03:16.41]In Nevada and California,Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck but did succeed as a writer.

[03:24.25]Once bad happened,Twain travelled to around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe.

[03:31.02]Twain didn't travel much the last ten years of his life and he didn't publish much either.

[03:36.84]Somehow,his travels even when forced inspired his writings.

[03:41.81]Back to many popular writers,Twain derived much of materials for his writing from the well founded university of his own personal experiences.

[03:49.67]11.The speaker focuses on which aspect of Mark Twain's life?

[03:55.96]12.Where do most people think Twain was born?

[04:00.61]13.Why did Twain go West?

[04:05.08]14.What connection does the lecturer suggest between Twain's travels ans his writings?

[04:12.00]Passage Two

[04:14.22]When train fares went up for the third time in one year,I decided to buy a motorbike to go to work.

[04:20.94]My idea was that although I would have to pay for tax,insurance and petrol,I woulk still spend less than on train tickets over the year.

[04:29.87]I might even save time on my journey from home to work.

[04:33.58]So I bought a small,second hand Japanese motorbike.

[04:37.79]And then I had to learn to ride it.

[04:40.27]At first it seemed very fast to someone who had only ridden an ordinary bicycle before.

[04:46.15]But I soon got used to it.

[04:48.34]I fell off once or twice during the first few weeks.

[04:52.05]But after a while,I felt reasonably confident and rode to work every day,even when it was raining.

[04:58.84]That is,of course,one of the disadvantages of riding a motorbike in England.

[05:03.99]To keep dry,you have to dress up in water-proof clothes which soon get very dirty and it's cold during winter too.

[05:12.53]But my journey to work takes me half an hour less than it used to take me on the train.

[05:17.68]Traffic jams don't worry me.

[05:20.03]And I don't have to wait on cold railway platforms for crowded trains.

[05:24.57]I don't know whether it's any cheaper than public transport,though.

[05:28.33]I soon got dissatisfied with my small motorbike and bough a bigger,faster and more expensive one.

[05:34.99]15.Why did the speaker decide to buy a small secondhand motorbike?

[05:40.66]16.According to the passage,what does the speaker often need to wear for riding a motorbike?

[05:48.26]17.Why is the speaker not sure now whether going to work by motorbike is any cheaper than by train?

[05:56.34]Passage Three

[05:57.80]Few people know that the fate of the most precious document in the history of the United States-the Declaration of Independence-was once entirely in the hands of a young man and an old man.

[06:09.92]It happened during the war of 1812 when the British invaded Washington and burned the capital.

[06:16.63]Fearing for the safety of the priceless document,Secretary of State James Manroe gave it to a young man who worked as a clerk in his office.

[06:25.88]No doubt thinking that the British would never suspect that a harmless-looking man would ever be entrusted with the safety of such a great treasure.

[06:33.53]As he handed the bag with the important document in it to Stephen Pleasanton,for that was the young man's name,Secretary Manroe said,

[06:42.73]"I'm entrusting you with the most important document of the United States.

[06:47.20]It was for this that our brave men fought and died during the revolutionary war,The British must not get their hands on it."

[06:54.59]Stephen thrust the pouch which contained the Declaration beneath his shirt for safe keeping and started out in a general direction of Leesburg,Virginia,driving a wagon and disguised as a peddler.

[07:07.76]The second day he had a narrow escape when he ran into a patrol of British who eyed him and his wagon with suspicion.

[07:14.81]The leader of the patrol was satisfied with Stephen's story of being a peddler hurring home for his family and let him go on.

[07:23.01]Few have heard of Stephen Pleasanton,but what he did will always be remembered.

[07:27.74]18.When did the true story take place?

[07:32.44]19.Where did the young man hide the precious document?

[07:37.67]20.Which of the following titles is best for the passage?
