英语六级听力考试预测模拟练习Model Test Six(在线收听


[00:00.00]1.M:Now what's your problem,madam?

[00:04.21]W:Oh yes.My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday.It is very nice,but it's not the color I want.Have you got any blue ones?

[00:14.45]Q:What does the woman want to do?

[00:16.72]2.M:The city council has finally voted the funds to build the new high school.

[00:23.80]W:It's about time they did it.I don't know what took them so long.

[00:28.29]Q:What's the woman's opinion about the school?

[00:31.11]3.M:Last night Jack left his car parked in front of his girlfriend's house,and when he came out to go home it was gone.

[00:39.86]W:Woo,that's really tough.He just bought it last month,didn't he?

[00:43.99]Q:What do you think happened to Jack?

[00:46.55]4.W:Some people know a lot more than they tell.

[00:50.91]M:Unfortunately the reverse in also true.

[00:54.13]Q:What does the man mean?

[00:55.82]5.W:We all talk about how liberated we are,but in fact women are still not equally treated.

[01:03.24]M:I don't think so.You've got the vote.You've got your careers.I think you've got everything important.

[01:10.64]Q:What are they arguing about?

[01:13.04]6.M:It's partly your own fault.You should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him.

[01:20.40]W:It's all very well to say that,but someone comes to the door and says"Electricity"or"Gas",and you automatically think he is OK,especially if he shows your card.

[01:30.54]Q:How does the woman feel about the man's remarks?

[01:33.68]7.M:Your yard is always so beautiful,Cathy.You must have a gardener.

[01:39.97]W;Oh,no.It would cost at least 50 dollars a month to hire someone to do the work.So I do most of it myself.I enjoy taking care of the flowers,but I have to force myself to do the weeding and cut the grass.

[01:53.55]Q:What does Cathy like to do?

[01:55.59]8.M:Why won't your sister go out with Bill;he's at least five feet ten inches?

[02:03.59]W:To her,he's still a "shorty".

[02:05.94]Q:Which of the following heights of the men would the woman's sister prefer to date?

[02:10.93]9.W:I have to think about your offer.I can't say yes or no at the moment.

[02:17.14]M:You can take your time.It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.

[02:22.99]Q:Which of the following is true?

[02:25.11]10.M:Well,this is a pleasant surprise.It seems to me we ran into each other here last week,too.

[02:33.60]W:You and I must have the same idea.The only way to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they open at nine o'clock sharp.

[02:42.74]Q:Why did both of them do grocery shopping at nine o'clock sharp?

[02:46.69]Passage One

[02:48.18]A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person.

[02:53.66]Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition,intelligence,physical fitness,and responsibility.

[03:02.80]At the age of about fourteen months,a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months.

[03:11.27]It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner.

[03:18.22]The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely.

[03:22.24]It also learns to obey such commands as"Forward,""left,""right,"and "sit,"and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger.

[03:34.18]The most important part of the trainging course is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together.

[03:43.40]However,many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs.

[03:48.91]Only about a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.

[03:53.38]11.What is the main idea of this passage?

[03:57.40]12.At what age does a guide dog begin an intensive course?

[04:03.07]13.Which of the following was not mentioned as a command that the dog learns to obey?

[04:09.55]Passage Two

[04:11.17]A deep depression already affecting much of Ireland is likely to reach western coasts of Wales and Cornwall by earyly this afternoon and to spread over these areas generally by evening.

[04:23.16]It will bring Force nine gales increasing locally to Storm Force ten tegether with short outbreaks of rain,though with bright intervals.

[04:33.53]The showers that have been affecting much of Southern England have now moved eastwards leaving clear skies in all areas,but temperatures are likely to drop to around five degrees Centigrade.

[04:44.92]Winds will be light at first but increasing from the west later this evening.

[04:49.46]The Midlands will have broken cloud cover but will remain dry at first.

[04:53.83]There are likely to be showers later,but in areas near the East Coast there could be some fog patches after dark.

[05:00.56]Temperatures should remain stationary.

[05:02.79]Northern England should remain dry though clouds will thicken from the west this afternoon.

[05:07.88]In western districts winds are likely to increase rapidly this afternoon,with a possibility of isolated snow showers.

[05:15.19]Temperatures will probably remain above freezing.

[05:18.88]14.What is the predicted weather conditions for western districts this evening?

[05:25.04]15.What weather condition can be expected in Southern England this afternoon?

[05:31.44]16.What can be expected in the Midlands this evening?

[05:36.67]17.What can be expected in Northern England in the early evening?

[05:41.79]Passage Three

[05:43.54]For years,students were assured that with a college degree in hand they could acquire an excellent job.

[05:50.28]However,in recent years,several developments have signaled the onset of a change in the supply-demand relationship in the services of higher education.

[05:59.86]Teachers with terminal degrees far outnumber the available teaching positions in many disciplines.

[06:06.45]The chairman of a science departmant today many receive three to four hundred applications for a position that once attracted only half a dozen.

[06:15.75]States are closing down some colleges and requiring others to cut back on undergraduate and graduate programs.

[06:23.40]Higher education is well into a buyer's market.

[06:26.77]With the realization that higher education has lost its vaunted position in the eyes of the public,administrators of colleges and universities must be prepared to enter into competition with all other suppliers of products and services.

[06:41.79]Private institutions,in the long run,have no alternative but to satisfy their customers.

[06:48.08]Today's students are in touch with the reality of the world,and they realize that while a degree may obtain the first job for them,keeping the job and advancing depend upon the education behind the degree.

[07:00.52]18.How does the speaker feel about the present position of colleges and universities?

[07:07.76]19.What does the speaker mean by the sentence"Today's students are in touch with the reality of the world"?

[07:15.54]20.Which of the following is most likely the speakers' advice for a college student?
