万物简史 第39期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(3)(在线收听

   Evans's is a talent so exceptional that Oliver Sacks, in An Anthropologist on Mars, devotes a passage to him in a chapter on autistic savants—quickly adding that "there is no suggestion that he is autistic." Evans, who has not met Sacks, laughs at the suggestion that he might be either autistic or a savant, but he is powerless to explain quite where his talent comes from.

  "I just seem to have a knack for memorizing star fields," he told me, with a frankly apologetic look, when I visited him and his wife, Elaine, in their picture-book bungalow on a tranquil edge of the village of Hazelbrook, out where Sydney finally ends and the boundless Australian bush begins. "I'm not particularly good at other things," he added. "I don't remember names well."埃文斯的家在黑兹尔布鲁克村边缘的一栋平房里,环境幽静,景色如画,悉尼就到这里为止,再往前便是无边无际的澳大利亚丛林。有一次,我去拜访了他和他的夫人伊莱恩。“我好像恰好有记住星场的本事。”他对我说,还表露出不好意思的样子,"别的事我都不特别擅长,"他接着说,"我连名字都不太记得住。""Or where he's put things," called Elaine from the kitchen.
  He nodded frankly again and grinned, then asked me if I'd like to see his telescope. I had imagined that Evans would have a proper observatory in his backyard—a scaled-down version of a Mount Wilson or Palomar, with a sliding domed roof and a mechanized chair that would be a pleasure to maneuver. In fact, he led me not outside but to a crowded storeroom off the kitchen where he keeps his books and papers and where his telescope—a white cylinder that is about the size and shape of a household hot-water tank—rests in a homemade, swiveling plywood mount.
  When he wishes to observe, he carries them in two trips to a small deck off the kitchen. Between the overhang of the roof and the feathery tops of eucalyptus trees growing up from the slope below, he has only a letter-box view of the sky, but he says it is more than good enough for his purposes. And there, when the skies are clear and the Moon not too bright, he finds his supernovae.