CCTV9英语新闻:Commerce Minister: Qualitative goal more realistic(在线收听

Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng says that a qualitative, rather than a quantitative goal, is more realistic for China's economy against a gloomy international economic background. Gao made the remarks in response to media concerns over why no specific target was set for foreign trade in the Government Work Report by Premier Li Keqiang. 


"Compared to the situation last November and December, the IMF and the World Bank have lowered expectations for world economic growth twice by 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points, making the prediction the lowest in six years. Trade is pretty gloomy at present. Differences in macro-controlling policies of major economies are widening. The world economy, trade, exchange rates and prices of bulk commodities are all unstable. Risk and uncertainties are high. Under such circumstances, proposing a qualitative, rather than a quantitative goal, is completely realistic. Also, it is hard to give a quantitative goal. This is the fourth time China has given a qualitative goal in the past 20 years," Gao said.
