CCTV9英语新闻:Juridical reform implemented to avoid wrongful convictions(在线收听

A slew of high-profile acquittals of wrongly convicted defendants made headlines in 2015. And according to the judicial reform report by the Supreme People's Court, 23 wrongful verdicts have been corrected since the reform was implemented in 2013. What's propelling this positive trend of overturning wrongful convictions?


"We have done many things to prevent wrong convictions. We refresh our mind to follow principles such as the no-guilt principle. Nobody should be presumed guilty of crime before final decision. Second, exclusions of the so-called illegal evidence. It is not allowed to collect evidence from illegal ways, And we give lawyers a bigger role. They sit on the court to defend the accused. It’s a kind of supervision," Supreme People's Court judge Zhang Yongjian said.
