【英语时差8,16】夜生活之:去夜总会跳舞 -中(在线收听

"The thing I think I like the most about clubbing for me, is when you walk into a club, you leave your ego at the door. Everyone is there to have a good time, everyone shares a similar interest in the music. When you're walking down the street in London, when you’re on the Tube, no-one will smile at you - no-one will say "hi". But all of a sudden you get into a club and it's like a little family that's there for the night. Everyone wants to have good fun so everyone is up for the same thing. It's a nice atmosphere. " Andrea: She says it's like a family - everyone enjoys the music and wants to have fun. For Jenny, that's quite different from normal life in London. She says that people normally don't smile or say hello. But when you're clubbing everyone is very friendly. Jean: Everyone is up for the same thing, Andrea: And the feeling or atmosphere is great. "Less busy. " "A lot quieter." "People are coming out later." "People don’t want to go out 'cause they haven't got the money. " Andrea: So some people aren't choosing to go clubbing as a night out at the moment. We heard some expressions and vocabulary there to do with the fact that some people aren't going clubbing quite as much right now. It's less busy. It's a lot quieter. People haven't got the money. The current recession has hit clubbing in some parts of Britain. Here's John who is the manager of a club in Wrexham, which is in Wales.
