【英语时差8,16】蛇的第六感:犁鼻系统 -上(在线收听

A foraging squirrel comes into range of a hungry, coiled rattlesnake. The squirrel realizes the danger too late-the rattlesnake strikes out and bites, fangs pumping venom deep into the squirrel’s small body. The poison doesn’t kill immediately, but the squirrel’s death warrant is signed all the same. Even as he squirms away from the snake and bounds to his hiding place in the underbrush, the venom works its way through his system, dissolving his tissues and eventually killing him. Meanwhile the snake slithers after the departed squirrel, taking his time. Uncannily, he homes right in on the squirrel’s hiding place. How did the snake know where his prey was hiding? Do snakes have some kind of magical sixth sense? Actually, snakes DO have a kind of sixth sense, but it has nothing to do with magic.
