【英语时差8,16】冰激凌融化:热传导 -上(在线收听

Live a single day on planet Earth, or anywhere else in the universe for that matter, and you will experience the natural phenomenon of heat conduction, which is the term used to describe the natural flow of heat from warmer objects to cooler ones. Your favorite scoop of ice cream melting on a hot summer day is a perfect example of heat conduction where heat from the air is naturally drawn to the much colder ice cream scoop. Because it is so commonly experienced in our daily lives, humankind has certainly had some understanding of heat conduction for a very long time. But not until the 19th century was this understanding sharpened by a French politician and scientist named Joseph Fourier who made a single equation, now known as "Fourier’s law" or the "Law of Heat Conduction," that models heat conduction so well it has been little altered since its creation.
