【英语时差8,16】夜生活 : 看电影 -下(在线收听

"I think people enjoy going to the cinema because it's a relatively cheap evening. " Andrea: And there are so many different kinds of films to see. "I prefer action films mainly. "I'm pretty much middle- of-the-road. I don't do war films but apart from that I'll pretty much watch anything." "I like thought-provoking films and films that are creative. Andrea: So people like a wide range of films. The one woman said that she was middle-of-the-road. Middle-ofthe- road means you like what most people like. She also said she doesn't 'do' war films. That means she doesn't like to watch war films. She doesn't do war films. Jean: Personally I love horror films. Andrea: Well I like much friendlier films like animated films. Jean: Oh yes. Andrea: So until we meet again, I hope you get to go to the cinema and remember you can find this programme and other BBC Learning English programmes on our website: bbcukchina.com. Bye! Jean: Bye!
