【英语时差8,16】夜生活 : 看电影 -上(在线收听

"I've just seen Paranormal Activity. " "I've just seen Alice in Wonderland. " "I went to see Green Zone." "I've just seen Avatar." Andrea: Yes, all these people have just been to the cinema. Going to the cinema for a night out remains extremely popular here in Britain. Hello. I'm Andrea. Jean: And I'm Jean. Andrea: We're finding out what young people in Britain like to do for a night out. Jean: Going to the movies. My favourite! Andrea: Mine too. So what's the attraction? Why do so many people like going to the cinema? "I think it's a way for people to escape from their ordinary lives and what they do and they get to look at another world and see what's going on in other parts of the world as well. " "I think it offers escapism for people. I think it's fun and engaging. And I think it's a good experience. " Andrea: They also talked about how fun it is to go to the cinema. The word the man used was 'engaging'. There's nothing like seeing a good film on a big screen. It's just not quite the same on TV or the small screen. That's the way some people talk about going to see films. They say, they're going to watch something 'on the big screen'. And I love cinema so much, that I took a trip to one of London's most famous cinemas.
