【英语时差8,16】英国:苏格兰 -上(在线收听

Andrea: We all know about Scottish tartan. And have heard the sound of bagpipes. But what about the food in Scotland? Hello. I'm Andrea. A lot of people talk about the unhealthy, fried food you can eat in Scotland. But there are plenty of delicacies in this beautiful country. "They're not small and they're not light. They pack a mighty punch but the intention is not to eat the whole thing. " Andrea: That was chef, Jeremy Lee. He is from Aberdeen, Scotland's third largest city. Haggis. Andrea: He says they pack a might punch. Andrea: Haggis is a kind of sausage, or savoury pudding cooked in a sheep's intestine and is a very traditional Scottish dish. Here is Jeremy again, describing a haggis that he's just cooked.
