
Diarmuid: Dear, oh dear. Feifei: Hi Diarmuid. What are you laughing at? Diarmuid: I’m just looking at these. My mum found them in the attic. Feifei:What are they? Diarmuid: They’re my old class reports from my school days. They've been stored away for all these years. Feifei:What do the reports say? Diarmuid: Have a look for yourself. Feifei: Let me see. Let’s choose a subject… here we are, History:“Diarmuid has failed to learn anything this year because he spends all his time chatting at the back of the classroom.” Let’s look at another… Maths: “Diarmuid must learn that it is not enough just to sit at his desk. He must pay attention to the lesson, and study hard out of class and do his homework.” Diarmuid: I wasn’t very good at maths. Feifei: So I see. Let’s have another… Science: “This lazy boy is a disgrace to the school uniform!” Diarmuid: That teacher never liked me.