
Do you ever fancy a career change? Well if you can cast spells, fly on a broomstick and have a good cackle, then you might be interested in becoming a professional witch. And if you become the Witch of Wookey Hole you could even earn a good salary. Legend has it that the haunted caves of Wookey Hole in the south of England were home to a witch who laid a curse on the local villagers, until she was turned to stone by a monk. These days the caves are a tourist attraction which bring in thousands of visitors a year. And they have just appointed a new witch. On Tuesday, Carole Bonahan beat over 300 applicants with pointy hats, capes and hooked noses to win the £50,000-a-year post as Wookey Hole's resident witch. Carole, who will now be known by her witch's name Carla Calamity, will give up her job as an estate agent in order to become a full-time witch.
